Sunday, 23 July 2017

MJR Blog Term 3, 2017

The Sacrament of CONFIRMATION

Image result for CONFIRMATION

The Sacrament of Confirmation is the second of the three sacraments of Christian initiation.
Confirmation completes Baptism, by which in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil, which first happened at Baptism, we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
We are reminded of our participation in the ministry and mission of Jesus, and strengthened to follow Jesus more closely.

The Sacrament of Confirmation consists of the renewal of baptismal promises and the laying on of hands and anointing with the oil of Chrism. The anointing of the candidate is a sign of confirming the gift of the Spirit, and calling the candidates to use these gifts to become involved in the life and mission of the community.
Related imageUsually the bishop presides over this sacrament. 

Laying of the Hands

The bishop places his hands on the head of the candidates and prays for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
This ritualises the connection to Baptism and the strengthening of the Holy Spirit in our vocation to follow the way of Jesus

Anointing with Oil

The anointing of the candidate at Confirmation recognises that they are sealed with the Holy Spirit.
The bishop anoints the candidate’s forehead with the Oil of Chrism, saying ‘Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit’.

Sign of Peace

At the end of the rite, the bishop puts his hand on the side of the candidate’s face and says ‘Peace be with you’ and the candidate replies with ‘And with your spirit’, symbolising the candidate’s place within the Church community.

What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

The Gift of Wisdom is our ability to value spiritual things over worldly ones. It enables us to desire the things of God and correctly order the things in our life. This gift helps us view the world through God’s perspective and the light of our faith. It instils a desire to contemplate the things of God. In simple terms, WISDOM is the ability to see God in everyone and everything everywhere.

The Gift of Understanding helps us grasp the truths of the faith more easily and profoundly. We cannot grasp all of God’s mysteries, but through the gift of understanding we can be lead to truth, even when we do not fully comprehend. This gift strengthens our insight through prayer, scripture, and the sacraments. Understanding is the ability to comprehend that we are followers of Christ.

The Gift of Counsel acknowledges the difference between right and wrong and bestows proper judgement. A person with right judgement avoids sin and leads a life for Christ. Counsel inspires us to speak up and encourage others to do the correct thing. The gift of Counsel is the ability to know right from wrong and to choose to do what is right.
 The Gift of Fortitude sustains our decision to follow the will of God in any situation. It allows us to stand up and defend our faith, even when threatened. This gift allows us to be steadfast in our decisions to do well and to endure evil even when we do not want to. The gift of Fortitude is The ability to overcome our fear and to stand up for what is right in the eyes of God.
The Gift of Knowledge is awareness of God’s plan. It is not simply an accumulation of facts, but rather an understanding of God’s purpose and how we ought to respond. Knowledge helps bring to light the temptations that we face, and to discern whether to give in or live a life worthy of God’s approval. Knowledge is the ability to understand the meaning of God.
The Gift of Piety or reverence is our obedience to God and our willingness to serve him. It is not just obedience through a sense of duty or obligation, but rather obedience out of love and devotion. It facilitates a deeper respect and honour for God and His Church. Piety is the ability to have deep respect for God and the church.

The Gift of Fear of the Lord makes us aware of how we dread sin and fear offending God. We fear displeasing God and losing our connection with him because of our love for Him. Wonder and awe increases our desire to draw closer to God and depart from sin. Fear of the Lord is the ability to be aware the God is all-powerful, all-loving, all-perfect.

We keep all of our students here at St.Mary's Primary School in our prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Further Links: Video Clip  and  Song

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