Welcome to the MJR Blog for Term 2, Week 7. In Term 1, SMPS was amazing in supporting Caritas raising over $900 to support those in need. This term we are working towards supporting the local St. Vincent de Paul Society.
This term we are participating in Pyjama Day at school on Friday, Week 10, 30th June. Although this is a very fun and exciting day, it allows us to reflect on the how grateful we are to have warm clothes and items during Winter.
At first, he was given an important position as the teacher of rich children, and he lived rather comfortably. But while he was traveling by sea from one city to another, he fell into the hands of Turkish pirates who sold him as a slave. Two years later he was finally set free.
He focused the majority of his work on helping the poor. Father Vincent realised how badly the poor people of France needed spiritual help. When he began to preach to them, crowds went to confession. He finally decided to start a congregation of priests to work especially among the poor. Video Clip
Week 7- What is the St. Vincent de Paul Society and Who is it's Founder?
- As a class view and discuss the 'Our Story' section of the Vinnies Website
- Explore social justice. What does Social Justice mean? Where is it evident in our local community and at SMPS?
- View Kid President Clip and relate to social justice- CLIP
Week 8- Mission and Vision
- As a class view and discuss the Mission and Vision pf St. Vincent de Paul: link
- Explore the meaning of the logo: link
The St Vincent de Paul Society logo is used in many countries and is recognised everywhere as a symbol of hope and goodwill. The logo has three components: the hands symbol, the text and the slogan.
The hands signify:
The text:
The slogan:
Week 9 & 10- Catholic Social Teachings
Catholic Social Teaching covers all spheres of life – the economic, political, personal and spiritual.
With human dignity at its centre, a holistic approach to development founded on the principles of CST, is what Pope Paul VI called ‘authentic development’. Explore the Catholic Social Teaching principles and how they guide the work of Caritas Australia.
As a class explore each of the Social Teachings in depth: all links
Week 9-
Preferential option for the Poor
Dignity of the Human Person
Stewardship of Creation
Week 10-
Subsidiarity and Participation
The Common Good
Week 9-
Preferential option for the Poor
Dignity of the Human Person
Stewardship of Creation
Week 10-
Subsidiarity and Participation
The Common Good
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